The FREQUENCY of Healing.
The Flame means
"to be transformed".
Are you READY?

To transform is to renew. Healing is a FREQUENCY! Here at the Natural Healing Group, LLC (NHG for short) -we call it the NATURAL HEALING RESPONSE.
The focal point of the work done here at the Natural Healing Group, LLC (NHG) is to help our Participants to become healthier by activating their natural healing response. The Natural Healing Response is the body's instinctive ability to reset or reestablish homeostasis (or balance) in the body. EVERY organism can do this. This is achieved through specific habits and a harmonious relationship with your living environment.
For this therapy to work, the Participant MUST undergo a series of paradigm shifts essential to creating the "mental space" needed for Healing. We say "mental space" because the mind CANNOT help You heal. It is KEY that this Realization is achieved as soon as possible because WITHOUT it, there will be no progress. And of course, we show You how to do this as well as practice with You. Liberation from the Mind is NECESSARY because of the Constructs within the psyche of "today's people" which has led the World to its current state of Unwell and Unrest.
As we embark on a journey for Healing, we quickly learn that Healing is NOT linear. Everything about our experience is CONNECTED. Healing is never "neat" and yet it holds BALANCE. This approach is SEASONED with Respect because without it, You will miss A LOT of important details which will Influence the success of this Undertaking.
The Natural Healing Response is your Natural State of Being. The Natural State of Being is Well and Balanced. We have become accustomed to living in an unnatural way of living, therefore we have become accustomed to living in an UNNATURAL State. Which is why we are SO SICK and our collective experience is Disharmonious. Therefore, we must learn how to ACTIVATE our Natural Healing Response. Called a “response” because of the regenerative qualities in response to occurrences in YOUR living experience. Think of Wolverine from X-Men!
To ACTIVATE your Natural Healing Response, the Participant MUST become Aware of (and learn to Cultivate) the THREE Aspects of Being. The THREE Aspects of Being are:
Understanding this along with other practical yet pivotal paradigm shifts will assist the Practitioner in Accessing and Developing their own Personal Power. This power has been call by MANY terms -chi, kundalini, and life force energy to name a few.This is also the Power to Create (or Manifest) your Potential. Imagine if what You could ACCOMPLISH if You didn’t have to WORRY about your health? This Power IS your LIFE.
Once the Life Force is Balanced, it Renews. And as long as it is kept in Balance, it will CONSISTENTLY Renew. This Experience will UNLEASH You.

A healthy body is a BALANCED BODY. A balanced body is naturally a hostile environment for pathogens. Pathogens are germs which can cause disease in the human body. Not ONLY is it harder for a balanced body to get sick, but it is also harder to become injured. How is that? A HUGE part of maintaining a BALANCED BODY is knowing how to USE the body and the environment.
Our Services
ALL of our services are FSA, HSA, and HCRA eligible and hosted on a safe and easy to use platform.
- 55 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
- 175 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
- 45 US dollars
- 55 US dollars
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- 300 US dollars
- 300 US dollars
- 300 US dollars